Our Philosophy

Glenorie Preschool would like to acknowledge the traditional land of the Dharug, GuriNgai and peoples on whose land we are situated. We recognise the strength, resilience and capacity of Aboriginal people in this land.

Three children playing in the sandpit

Learning through play

We believe that children learn best through play. They need time to explore, experiment, create and interact with others. Their learning should be interest based, with time allowed for meaningful interactions with their peers and educators to provide further understanding. In order to achieve this, the environment should be inviting, nurturing and provide a sense of comfort.

Little girl playing with dinosaurs

Children’s interests and needs

We believe interactions with children should be based on the children’s interests and needs. Prior to engaging with children it is important to observe, and develop an understanding of what sorts of questions or comments could be made. Interactions should be playful, consistent, calm and positive in nature.

Mum with three children on her lap


We believe the families play a key role in the service by bridging the gap between home life and Pre School. Families help children feel secure and positive in their transition to Pre School by opening a developing trusting relationship with the educators. Families also provide knowledge in a range of specific skills that can help assist with programming, in addition to more physical means of support such as fundraising, working bees, donations etc.

Children playing with dinosaurs in the sandpit


We believe the community provides the children with a sense of belonging, and a positive self identity. The community also provides valuable resources which can contribute to the program, through means such as excursions and visitors to the service.

Educator holding a chicken and showing to children


We believe educators flourish through working in a team environment, and this can be seen through greater efficiency, role sharing, improved consistency with children, and a more enjoyable work environment. In addition to these benefits, the key benefit we identify from working as a team is the ability to continuously develop skills and knowledge, sharing ideas, supporting each other, and creating an environment of continuous improvement through open communication.

Little boy repairing a a truck


We believe that if children are provided a safe, supportive environment where they are encouraged to challenge their skills and knowledge, they will be happy, confident, and willing to continue on their journey of growth.

Girl drawing a picture for her mum


We believe that educators are fulfilled when they feel a sense of achievement at the end of the day, and that they belong to the Pre School. This level of fulfilment can be created through developing meaningful relationships with children and their families, feeling connected to fellow educators, and feel a part of the local community. This in turn will open educators up to greater experiences that will benefit them in their sense of belonging to the Pre School.

Drawing of two people by a child