Visit from Glenorie Fire Brigade
February 2024
We were very lucky to have a visit from our local RFS
The children were thrilled to learn about all the things firefighters do to help us. We got to see them dressed up in all of their protective gear and breathing apparatus (which sounded very strange). Letting the children see and hear the fire fighters in their gear helped the children to understand that the fire fighters are not scary.
The children were able to have a turn of using the hose and seeing how the pump worked. They also learnt about safe and unsafe fires and how to call 000 for emergency services. It was super fun to practice getting down low to go go go with the pretend smoke.
But I think the highlight was seeing the lights and hearing the siren on the fire truck.
Thank you very much Glenorie Rural Fire Brigade for engaging our children in learning about fire safety and for all the wonderful things you do for our community.